Hi, my name is Aadya Madankar
I'm an AI Engineer 🤖

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About Me

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Self-driven AI specialist with a strong dedication to continuously learning the latest artificial intelligence technologies. Solid foundation in data science complemented by hands-on expertise in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Proficient in leveraging Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch to develop innovative AI solutions that drive business impact.

Actively engaged in coding challenges, collaborative GitHub projects, and open-source initiatives to expand skillset. A supporter of knowledge sharing, regularly contributing to AI communities and open-source development efforts. A creative problem-solver skilled at translating complex data into actionable insights to tackle real-world challenges through AI-powered products and applications.

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Giving Abilities to AI

Giving Abilities to Machine is an artificial intelligence (AI) application that empowers machines with the capabilities of sight, hearing, and speech, developed using the Gemini framework. It boasts advanced computer vision for object, face, and scene recognition, speech recognition for understanding and transcribing spoken language, and speech synthesis for generating human-like verbal responses. With an impressive overall accuracy level of approximately 97%, this AI application offers seamless and intuitive human-machine interactions, making it a valuable asset for various industries, including personal assistants, smart home automation, robotics, and accessibility technologies. (Use Google Chrome only)


Open Devin" is a GitHub open-source repository focused on the development of large language models (LLMs). My contribution to this project involved basic development tasks and resolving issues related to LLM model architecture, training pipelines, and optimization techniques. As an active contributor, I worked closely with the community to enhance the codebase, address bug reports, and provide support for fellow developers. Through my involvement in Open Devin, I gained valuable experience in collaborative software development,version control, and the intricacies of building and fine-tuning state-of-the-art language models.

Ollama X Streamlit

"Ollama X Streamlit" is a project where I developed a user-friendly interface using the Streamlit framework for Ollama, an open-source language model. This interface seamlessly integrates all the core functionalities of Ollama, enabling users to interact with the language model in an intuitive and visually appealing manner. Through this project, I leveraged Streamlit's capabilities to create a responsive and interactive application that allows users to input text, configure model parameters, and receive generated responses from Ollama. By combining Ollama's language processing power with Streamlit's ease of use, I aimed to provide a comprehensive solution for individuals and organizations seeking to explore and utilize the potential of language models effectively.


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